Holding forth the Word of Life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ

Philippians 2:16

Trinity Reformed Baptist Church

Topeka, Kansas    66614

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Our Sermon Archives

Main Sections in the Archives:


Bible Book Studies   Doctrinal Studies    Practical Studies    Topical Studies


We offer our sermon archive as a means of blessing and edifying your soul.  

We do not intend in any way to replace the godly counsel of your own local church or pastors.  

Our only mission is to honor and serve the God and Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!


Each of the series below is linked to its own page

where you can learn more about the series and see the titles currently available.

Using the archives:

If the above two methods are not available to you:  Request a FREE CD - see link at bottom of each page

Bible Book Studies:

Acts of the Apostles






Letters of John

1st John - Blessed Assurance




The following commentaries are NOT sermons,

but rather lessons included in our informal Pastor’s Bible Study and listed here for easy reference:

Doctrinal Studies:


Parable of The Sower

Person and Work of Christ

Sovereignty of God

& the Doctrines of Grace

Practical Studies:

(Studies of a practical nature for Christian living.

Many are individual sermons on the topic preached at various times.)

Absolute Governance of Creator God 

The Christian’s Job Description

(sub-section of “Nine Marks”)

Church Life

Current Events

(In the news)


Family Life

National Life

Special Occasions

The Ten Commandments

(Sub-section of Deuteronomy)

WitnessingBiblical Principles

The Scriptures

(Mini-series dealing with various aspects

of the Bible as a whole.)

Bible Basics

Genesis–the Book of Beginnings

Authenticity of the New Testament Gospels

Topical Studies:

Angel of the Lord

Armor of God

(sub-section of“Nine Marks” series)

Biblical Separation

(Sub-section of “Acts”)

Character Studies


(includes Resurrection of Christ)

The Gospel - Does it Really Matter?

The Gospel in Israel’s Feasts

(A sub-section of Deuteronomy 16)

How to Study the Bible

“IF”(The Biblical Doctrine of…)

Judging–”To Judge or Not To Judge?”

KJV–Why We Use the Authorized Version of 1611

Miracles of Jesus and their Evangelistic Implications

Nativity Gleanings

Nine Marks of a Healthy Church

Pastor’s Bible Study

(Informal discussion of a book & study guide)


These Are Hard Sayings

(an exposition of John 6)

Public Scripture Reading:

(With brief commentary of about 10-12 minutes)





I Samuel

Other sections:   

Annual Church Conference

Individual Sermons

I Thessalonians

Les. 5-D

II Thessalonians

Les. 6-A


Les. 6-B to 6-D

I Corinthians

Les. 6-E & 6-F

II Corinthians

Les. 6-G & 6-H


Les. 7-E ff


Les. 6–Rom-01 ff

Matthew Mark Luke

overviews Les. 7


Les. 8–Phil-01 ff


Les. 8-Eph-01 ff


Les. 8-Col-01 ff

I Peter

Les. 9-IPet-01 ff