Holding forth the Word of Life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ

Philippians 2:16

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The Book of Esther

In Esther, God chose to reveal how He would providentially preserve His ancient covenant people to bring forth in the flesh the Messiah Who would be the Savior of the world.  Ironically, the name of God is never mentioned throughout the book. However, the finger of God’s presence can be clearly seen.  In this series, I hope to demonstrate God’s presence in the midst of Esther’s role to bring forth the Savior.

--Pastor Bob Spagnuolo

Code  Sermon Title (Scripture Text)

Chapter One–A Temperamental Persian Monarch

EST01   Introduction to the Book (Est. Chapter 1)

EST02   The King’s Party [1] (Est. 1:1-4)

EST03   The King’s Party [2] (Est. 1:1-4)

EST04   The King’s Feast Grand Finale (Est. 1:5-8)

EST05   The Queen’s Feast (Est. 1:9)

EST06   King’s Shameful Request, Queen’s Steadfast Refusal [1] (Est. 1:10-12)

EST07   King’s Shameful Request, Queen’s Steadfast Refusal [2] (Est. 1:10-12)

EST08   The King’s Anger (Est. 1:10-12)

EST09   The King’s Courtly Business Meeting (Est. 1:13-22)

Chapter Two–Quest for a New Queen

EST10   Historical, Political and Spiritual Settings (Est. 2:1-7)

EST11   Repentance - Its True Face and Fruits (Est. 2:1-7)

EST12   Vanity of Beauty (Est. 2:1-7)

EST13   Payday is Coming (Est. 2:5-7)

EST14   The Favor of God Revealed and Demonstrated (Est. 2:8-11)

EST15   Promotion by God Revealed and Demonstrated (Est. 2:12-20)

EST16   Little is Much When God is In It (Est. 2:21-23)

Chapter Three–A Wicked Man and an Evil Plot

EST17   Malice in the Palace (Est. 3:1-6)

EST18   Authority and Our Response to It [1] (Est. 3:1-6)

EST19   Authority and Our Response to It [2] (Rom. 12:9--13:7)

EST20   Authority and Our Response to It [3] (Rom. 13:1-7)

EST21   Authority and Our Response to It [4] (Dan. 2:37-45)

EST22   Authority and Our Response to It [5] (Dan. 5:17-23)

EST23   Duties of Civil Magistrates (Rom. 13:1-3)

EST24   Our Duty to the Government (Rom. 13:4-7)

EST25   Civil Disobedience [1] Is It ever Justified? (Judged 6:1-11)

EST26   Civil Disobedience [2] Jesus' Example (Mark 2:23-28)

EST27   Civil Disobedience [3] Other Biblical Examples (Josh. 2:1-7)

EST28   Hatred, Pride and Folly - The Devil's Soup [1] (Est. 3:5-15)

EST29   Hatred, Pride and Folly - The Devil's Soup [2] (Psalm 10)

EST30   Hatred, Pride and Folly - The Devil's Soup [3] (Est. 3:8-15)

EST31   Hatred, Pride and Folly - The Devil's Soup [4] (Est. 3:8-15)

EST32   Hatred, Pride and Folly - The Devil's Soup [5] (Est. 3:8-15)

EST33   Malice in the Palace -- conclusion (Est. 3:12-15)

Chapter Four–Esther’s Critical Decision

EST34   The Lamentation of Mordecai (Est.4:1-3)

EST35   The Lamentation of the Jews (Est. 4:3-8)

EST36   Esther's Consternation with Mordecai (Est. 4:4-9)

EST37   Esther's Dilemma -- The Mystery of God's Providence [1] (Est. 4:10-12)

EST38   Esther's Dilemma -- The Mystery of God's Providence [2] (Prov. 21:1-2)

EST39   Esther's Dilemma -- The Mystery of God's Providence [3] (Gen. 50:15-21)

EST40   A Biblical Perspective on Slavery [1] Introduction (I Cor. 9:19-23)

EST41   A Biblical Perspective on Slavery [2] Old Testament Regulations (Ex. 21:1-6)

EST42   A Biblical Perspective on Slavery [3] Captives in Time of War (Est. 21:10-14)

EST43   A Biblical Perspective on Slavery [4] A Runaway Slave (Deut. 23:15-16)

EST44   A Biblical Perspective on Slavery [5] A Biblical Rebuttal (Col. 3:18--4:1)

EST45   A Biblical Perspective on Slavery [6] A Runaway Restored and Returned 1 (Philemon)

EST46   A Biblical Perspective on Slavery [7] A Runaway Restored and Returned 2 (Col. 4:7-14)

EST47   Behind the Scenes Realities of God's Providence (Est. 4:13-14)

EST48   Esther's Plan of Attack (Est. 4:15-17)

Chapter Five–Esther’s First Banquet

EST49    Introduction to Chapter 5 by reviewing chapters 1-4 (Est. 4:15-17)

                For a .pdf file of the “Esther Time Line” referenced in this lesson

EST50    Esther’s First Courageous Step (Esther 5:1-5)

EST51    The Great Gulf Breached (Esther 5:1-5)

EST52    The Fear of Man Breached (Esther 5:1-5)

EST53    The Queen Received (Esther 5:1-5)

EST54    The King’s Request (Esther 5:3-6) [Subject:  Prayer]

EST55    The King’s Second Request (Est. 5:5-8, Ps. 65:2)  [Subject:  Prayer]

EST56    Haman--Can Good Come From Evil? (Est. 5:9-11)

EST57    Pride Goeth Before a Fall (Prov. 16:18-19)

EST58    The Supportive Wife (Esther 5:12-14)

Chapter Six–Promotion Cometh From Above

EST59    A Sovereign God, A Sleepless King--1 (Est. 6:1, Job 7:1-4)

EST60    A Sovereign God, A Sleepless King--2 (Est. 6:1, Job 33:14-17)

EST61    The Unseen, Superintending God of the Ages--1 (Est. 6:1-3, Job 5:12-19)

EST62    The Unseen, Superintending God of the Ages--2 (Est. 6:1-9, Dan. 6:25-28)

EST63    The Unseen, Superintending God of the Ages--3 (Esther 6:4-14)

EST64    The Unseen, Superintending God of the Ages--4 (Esther 6:12-14)

Chapter Seven–Man Proposes, God Disposes

EST65   Sacred Time Line Review for Esther (Esther 7)

        Click here for accompanying visual chart.

EST66   Haman’s Sin Exposed (Esther 7:1-6)

EST67   Vengeance Belongeth to God (Esther 7:7-10)

Chapter Eight–Capitalizing Upon Our Providences

EST68   Things Made Clear (Esther 8:1-2)

EST69   Taking the Offense (Esther 8:3-8)

EST70   In the King’s Name (Esther 8:8)

EST71   One Man’s Impact on His Culture (Esther 8:8-17)

Chapter Nine–Two Days of Bloodshed

EST72   Hatred Without Cause (Esther 9:1-4)

EST73   The Feast of Purim (Esther 9:4-32)

Chapter Ten–The Greatness of Mordecai

EST74   A Tribute to Two Men (Esther 10:1-3)