Holding forth the Word of Life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ
Philippians 2:16
Trinity Reformed Baptist Church
Topeka, Kansas 66614
Book of Daniel–Part 1 (Chapter 1-6)
Besides the Prophet Jeremiah, the Prophet/Statesman Daniel, is one of my favorite Biblical characters. Taken captive at a very young age, possibly bereft of his parents, and exiled in a strange land, he overcame every obstacle both friend and foe could lay before him. Along with his three other brothers in the faith, he challenged a culture which was devoid of true religion and heartfelt compassion. He and his friends stood true and faithful to the faith of their fathers and were the means to a King’s true conversion to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
For me, the Book of Daniel contains both historical narratives along with prophetic dreams, visions and Messianic forecasts which all point to Christ’s first coming. Liberal theologians who place Daniel’s writings to a period some two to three centuries before Christ’s coming are totally wrong. The Book of Daniel was written during his own time to include the seventy years of captivity. The events recorded, and the dreams, visions, and prophetic utterances recorded, transpired between 606 BC and 539 BC with the rise of the Persian Empire and with the first group of returnees going back to the land of Israel.
Furthermore, many modern-day prophecy “experts” have abused this book by using it as their own personal playground in their attempts to give it a twenty-first century interpretation. I contend that the overwhelming prophetic message of Daniel’s book centers its attention on Christ’s first coming and to the destruction of apostate Judaism by the Romans in AD 70.
I may not answer all your questions touching the subject of end-times prophecy. I might generate more questions than I have answers. However, without a proper understanding of this book, the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ will remain a sealed book. Please enjoy this series, and above all, please be Berean. Test all things by Scripture, not by comparing the “experts” amongst themselves.
--Pastor Bob Spagnuolo
Code Title (Scripture)
Chapter 1–Daniel Deported
DAN01 God Honors Those Who Honor Him (Daniel 1, Prov. 4:23-27)
Chapter 2–The King’s Dream and Test
DAN02 The Limits to Human Wisdom--1 (Daniel 2:1-11, I Cor. 1:17-31, 2:6-16)
DAN03 God’s Man in the Gap (Daniel 2:12-23; Ezek. 22:23-31)
DAN04 The Dream Revealed--1 (Daniel 7:1-8)
DAN05 Preview to Eschatology 101--Part 1 (Daniel 2:29-35)
DAN06 A Dream Come True and a Golden Statue (Daniel 2:36–3:12)
Chapter 3–Trial by Fire
DAN07 A Faith Tested–A Faith Confirmed (Daniel 3:8-30)
Chapter 4–A Mighty Tree is Fallen
DAN08 Prologue to Nebuchadnezzar’s Conversion Account (Isa. 28:9-10, 13; Dan. 4:1-3)
DAN09 Nebuchadnezzar’s Troubling Dream (Dan. 4:3-18)
DAN10 Daniel Interprets the King’s Dream (Dan. 4:19-27)
DAN11 The Surety of God’s Word (Dan. 4:28-32)
DAN12 Conversion of a Pagan King–New Heart, New Mind (Dan. 4:33-37)
DAN13 No Knowledge–No Salvation–1 (Rom. 10:12-17)
DAN14 No Knowledge–No Salvation–2 (Rom. 10:12-17)
DAN15 Biblical Knowledge Leads to Biblical Salvation (Dan. 4:34-37, Jer. 9:23-24)
DAN16 Go and Tell the World (Dan. 4:1-3; Luke 24:47-48)
Chapter 5–The Fall of Babylon
DAN17 Historical Background to Daniel 5 (Daniel 5:30-31)
DAN18 The Impious King (Daniel 5:1-4)
DAN19 A Violation of the Third Commandment (Dan. 5:2-9)
DAN20 Enter–One Wise Queen
DAN21 Enter–The Man Daniel (Dan. 5:13-21)
DAN22 Thou Knewest These Things (Dan. 5:22, Luke 12:47-48)
DAN23 Pride Goeth Before a Fall (Dan. 5:22-24)
DAN24 The Final Verdict (Dan. 5:24-31)
Chapter 6–A Night With the Big Cats
DAN25 Picture of a Principled Man (Dan. 6:1-3)
DAN26 The Cost of Being a Principled Man (Dan. 6:4-5)
DAN27 Flattering Lips (Daniel 6:4-9)
DAN28 Convictions Versus Preferences (Dan. 6:10)
DAN29 The Cost of Convictions (Dan. 6:10-17)
DAN30 A Restless King, A Contented Prophet (Dan. 6:18-23)
DAN31 Vengeance Belongeth to God–1 (Dan. 6:23-28)
DAN32 Vengeance Belongeth to God–2 (Dan. 6:23-28)
DAN33 God Always Provides a Witness for Himself (Dan. 6:23-28)
Book of Daniel Part 2 continues with Chapters 7-12
Cross Reference to other series touching on this topic:
NL26–NL30 Examples of Civil Disobedience (in “National Life”)
NV60-66 the prophecy & history from Daniel leading up to Great King Herod (Daniel 9 & 11) (from the series “Gleanings in the Nativity”)