Holding forth the Word of Life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ
Philippians 2:16
Trinity Reformed Baptist Church
Topeka, Kansas 66614
Special Occasions
Our calendars give us many reasons throughout the year to stop and consider special events in our lives. The sermons in this section acknowledge these special occasions. We are “opportunists” in the sense that we will use any “opportunity” to grab the attention of men and direct it to the Savior.
Code Sermon Title (Scripture Text)
SO01 The Christian’s Duty to be Thankful (I Cor. 11)
SO02 Happy “All Saints Day” (Dan. 7:18, 27)
SO03 What the Christian Virtue of Being Thankful Assumes (II Tim. 3:1-7)
SO04 Different Expressions of Love (SS 1:1-4; I Sam. 18:1-4)
SO05 Show Me Agape Love - St. Valentine (John 13:14-35)
SO06 A Passion for Souls - St. Patrick (Acts 16:1-10)
SO07 The “Five Solas” - Happy Reformation Day (Rom. 3:20-31)
SO08 Pathway to the Incarnation - A Meditation
SO09 New Year’s Meditation (Col. 1:10)
SO10 Lest We Forget - Patriot’s Day [1] (Josh. 4:1-9)
SO11 Lest We Forget - Patriot’s Day [2] (Luke 22:14-20)
SO12 Comfort Ye My People--A Nativity Meditation (Isaiah 40:1-11)
SO13 A Heart of Generosity--St. Nicholas of Myra (Prov. 22:9, Lk. 6:38, Acts 20:35)
SO14 Anatomy of a Fool--1 (Prov. 26:1-12)
SO15 Anatomy of a Fool--2 (Psalm 14)
SO16 The Doctrine of the Resurrection by Job (Matt. 27:50-53, Job 14:10-15)
SO17 The Hope of the Fathers--the Resurrection (Acts 24:10-16)
SO18 A Thanksgiving Meditation 2012 (a complete service with Scripture readings & hymns)
SO19 A Christmas Meditation--God’s Great Gift Given (John 3:10-21)
SO20 The Three R’s of Calvary–Redeemer, Reviler, Rebuker–1 (Matt. 27:38, 44, Luke 23:32-33)
SO21 The Three R’s of Calvary–Redeemer, Reviler, Rebuker–2 (Isa. 53:4-9)
SO22 Those Who Were There–1 (Matt. 27:29-38)
SO23 Those Who Were There–2 (Matt. 26:69-75, John 19:25-27)
SO24 A Thanksgiving Eve Meditation [2010] (Deut. 8:1-20)
SO25 The Five “Solas”–500 Years Since (Rom. 3:20-28)
SO26 The Five “Solas”–By Christ Alone (Heb. 9:6-12)
SO27 The Five “Solas”–By Grace Alone (Eph. 2:1-11)
SO28 The Five “Solas”–By Scripture Alone (Acts 20:27-30)
SO29 The Five “Solas”–By Faith Alone, A Faith that Surrenders (Acts 15:5-11)
SO30 The Five “Solas”–For God’s Glory Alone–1 ((I Cor. 1:26-31)
SO31 The Five “Solas”–For God’s Glory Alone–2 (Matt. 5:16: John. 15:8, Rom. 15:6)
SO32 Two Heartbeats of the Reformation–1 The Impact of One–1 (I Cor. 12:1-3, Psalm 115:1-9)
SO33 Two Heartbeats of the Reformation–2 The Impact of One–2 (Jer. 5:1-2, Ezek. 22:29-31)
SO34 Two Heartbeats of the Reformation–3 Sufficiency of Scripture–1 (Matt. 15:1-9)
SO35 Two Heartbeats of the Reformation–4 Sufficiency of Scripture–2 (II Thess. 2:13-15; 3:6)
SO36 Two Heartbeats of the Reformation–5 Sufficiency of Christ–1 (Acts 3:1-16)
SO37 Two Heartbeats of the Reformation–6 Sufficiency of Christ–2 (I Tim. 3:14-16)