Does it really matter how we preach the Gospel? Is God particular about how precise we are with the truth when pleading with sinners for their souls? How much truth does a sinner need to know to be saved?
This series will examine both the heart and attitude of the one giving the message, and the essentials of the message itself.
Code Sermon Title (Scripture Text)
GOS01 Introduction (I Cor. 1:10-18)
GOS02 Preaching--To Evangelize (Luke 4:16-22)
GOS03 Preachers and Preaching (II Tim. 4:1-5)
GOS04 The Heart of the Minister [1] (Acts 20:17-35)
GOS05 The Heart of the Minister [2] (Acts 20:17-35)
GOS06 The Heart of the Minister [3] (Acts 20:17-35)
GOS07 The Heart of the Minister [4] (Acts 20:17-35)
GOS08 The Heart of the Message [1] (I Cor. 15:1-10)
GOS09 The Heart of the Message [2] (I Cor. 15:1-10)
GOS10 Who is God? [1] He Exists; He is a Person (Psalm 115:1-18)
GOS11 Who is God? [2] God is ONE (Ex. 3:11-15)
GOS12 Who is God? [3] A Spirit (John 4:19-24)
GOS13 Who is God? [4] A Trinity - 1 (II Cor. 13:11-14)
GOS14 Who is God? [5] A Trinity - 2 (Isa. 63:7-10)
GOS15 Who is God? [6] A Trinity - 3 (Isa. 63:7-10)
GOS16 Who is God? [7] A Trinity - 4 (I Cor. 12:1-11)
GOS17 Sundry Attributes of God [1] Introduction and Historical Context (Ex. 34:1-9)
GOS18 The Goodness of God--1 (Ex. 33:12-23)
GOS19 The Goodness of God--2 (Ex. 34:1-9)
GOS20 The Grace of God (Ex. 34:4-8; Eph. 2:7-10)
GOS21 The Mercy of God (Ex. 34:4-8; Rom. 9:9-18)
GOS22 The Longsuffering of God (Ex. 34:4-8; Ezek. 20:9-20)
GOS23 The Forgiveness of God--1 (Ex. 34:4-8, John 8:1-11)
GOS24 The Forgiveness of God--2 (Lev. 14:1-7, Matt. 8:1-4)
GOS25 The Truth of God (Ex. 34:4-8, Titus 1:1-4)
Cross Referenced from other series that pertain to this topic:
Supplemental resource from Pastor’s Bible Study in the book A Glorious Institution
15-A A.W. Pink on Repentance–A Gospel Requirement
15-B A.W. Pink on Repentance–Preached in Both Testaments
15-C A.W. Pink on Repentance–What It is NOT
15-D A.W. Pink on Repentance–What It IS
15-E A.W. Pink on Repentance–Law was Never Repealed
15-F A.W. Pink on Repentance–Summary & Spurgeon Quotes