Holding forth the Word of Life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ
Philippians 2:16
Trinity Reformed Baptist Church
Topeka, Kansas 66614
The Angel of the Lord
Code Title
AOL001 Who is the Angel of the Lord?–series introduction–1 (Ex. 14:13-22:40:34-38)
AOL002 Who is the Angel of the Lord?–Plurality in Unity–1 (I Chron. 17:16-27)
AOL003 Who is the Angel of the Lord?–Plurality in Unity–2 (I Cor. 12:1-31)
AOL004 Who is the Angel of the Lord?–The Oneness of God (Deut. 6:4, I John 5:7)
AOL005 Who is the Angel of the Lord?–What Is a Mediator? (Hebrews 8)
AOL006 Who is the Angel of the Lord?–Glimpses of the Trinity in the Old Testament (Acts 7:29-39)
AOL007 Who is the Angel of the Lord?–Glimpses of the Trinity in the Old Testament–2 (I Pet. 1:1-5)
AOL008 Who is the Angel of the Lord?–Glimpses of the Trinity in the Old Testament–3 (Zech. 7:8-14)
AOL009 Who is the Angel of the Lord?–Glimpses of the Trinity in the New Testament–1 (Rev. 22:10-21)
AOL010 Who is the Angel of the Lord?–Glimpses of the Trinity in the New Testament–2 (I Cor. 12:1-18)
AOL011 Who is the Angel of the Lord?–Glimpses of the Trinity in the New Testament–3 (Gal. 4:4-7)
AOL012 Who is the Angel of the Lord?–Glimpses of the Trinity in the New Testament–4 (Jn. 14:1-6)
AOL013 Who is the Angel of the Lord?–Mediator Defined–1 (Isa. 55:1-5, John 1:14-18)
AOL014 Who is the Angel of the Lord?–Mediator Defined–2 (Luke 22:24-34)
AOL015 Who is the Angel of the Lord?–Encounters–1 (Judges 2:1-10)
AOL016 Who is the Angel of the Lord?–Encounters–2 (Ex. 23:20-25)
AOL017 Who is the Angel of the Lord?–Christ Appears to Abram (Ex. 33:12-23)
AOL018 Who is the Angel of the Lord?–Christ–the Great I AM (Gen. 15:1, Ex. 3:14)
AOL019 Who is the Angel of the Lord?–Thy Shield and Exceeding Great Reward (Gen. 15:1)
AOL020 Who is the Angel of the Lord?–Thou God Seest Me (Genesis 16; John 8:58)
AOL021 Who is the Angel of the Lord?–Christ Seals the Covenant to Abraham (Gen. 17:1-8; Rom. 2:25-29)
AOL022 Who is the Angel of the Lord?–Of Spiritual Circumcision & Abraham’s Three Visitors (Gen. 18:1-6, Rom. 9:6-8)
AOL023 Who is the Angel of the Lord?–Abraham’s Seed a Blessing to ALL Nations (Gen. 18:9-18)
AOL024a Who is the Angel of the Lord?–The God Who Reveals Secrets–a (Gen. 18:17-22, Heb. 11:8-16)
AOL024b Who is the Angel of the Lord?–The God Who Reveals Secrets–b (Gen. 18:17-22, Heb. 11:8-16)
AOL025 Who is the Angel of the Lord?–Abraham, the Mediator (Gen. 18:20-33; II Peter 2:4-9)
AOL026 Who is the Angel of the Lord?–Paul’s Allegory (Gen. 21:1-2; Gal. 4:21-31)
AOL027 Who is the Angel of the Lord?–Abraham’s Faith Tested (Gen. 22:5-24)
AOL028 Who is the Angel of the Lord?–Christ Appears to Hagar (Gen. 16:1-16)
AOL029 Who is the Angel of the Lord?–Christ Appears to Jacob on the Run (Gen. 28:1-22)
AOL030 Who is the Angel of the Lord?–Christ Tells Jacob to Return Home (Gen. 31:1-16)
NOTE: We plan to resume this series in January, 2025.