Holding forth the Word of Life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ
Philippians 2:16
Trinity Reformed Baptist Church
Topeka, Kansas 66614
Acts–section H Second Missionary Journey
Code Sermon Title (Text)
ACTS206 Enter Timothy–Paul’s Spiritual Son–1 (Acts 15:40-16:3)
ACTS207 Enter Timothy–Paul’s Spiritual Son–2 (Acts 16:1-3)
ACTS208 Enter Timothy–Paul’s Spiritual Son–3 (Acts 16:1-3, Gal. 2:1-5)
ACTS209 Enter Timothy–Paul’s Spiritual Son–4 Fellow Laborer (Acts 16:1-8)
ACTS210 Enter Timothy–Paul’s Spiritual Son–5 Give Us Good Men (Acts 16:1-8)
ACTS211 Enter Timothy–Paul’s Spiritual Son–6 Give Us Good Men–2 (Acts 16:1-8, II Tim. 2:1-7)
ACTS212 The Macedonian Call (Acts 16:4-10)
ACTS213 The City of Philippi (Acts 16:4-10, Phil. 1:1-12)
ACTS214 A Church is Planted–1 (Acts 16:14-18, Acts 14:21-23)
ACTS215 A Church is Planted–2 Church Planters & the Gospel (Acts 16:14-15, Palm 65:4)
ACTS216 A Church is Planted–3 But FIRST–the Bad News (Acts 16:14-24, Psalm 110:3)
ACTS217 A Church is Planted–4 Religious, But Lost (Acts 16:14-24)
ACTS218 A Church is Planted–5 The God Who Opens Hearts (Acts 16:14-24)
ACTS219 A Church is Planted–6 A Good & Honest Heart (Acts 16:14-15, Luke 7:24-30)
ACTS220 A Church is Planted–7 Judge Me Faithful (Acts 16:14-15, Matt. 7:1-5)
ACTS221 A Church is Planted–8 Opposition Follows-1 (Acts 16:16-24)
ACTS222 A Church is Planted–9 Opposition Follows–2 (Acts 16:19-34)
ACTS223 A Church is Planted–10 Opposition Follows–3 (Acts 16:19-28)
ACTS224 Lordship Salvation–Biblical or Heretical? (Acts 16:25-31)
ACTS225 Household Conversions (Acts 16:19-34)
ACTS226 The Great Commission Worked Out (Acts 16:28-34)
ACTS227 The Fruits of Church Planting (Acts 16:28-34)
ACTS228 Our Dual Citizenship (Acts 16:35-40)
ACTS229 The Churches of Macedonia (Acts 16:40-17:4)
ACTS230 Paul Teaching the Nations (Acts 17:1-7, Matt. 28:19-20)
ACTS231 Paul Teaching the Nations–2 (Acts 17:1-9)
ACTS232 Another King–Jesus–1 (Acts 17:1-9)
ACTS233 Another King–Jesus–2 (Acts 17:1-9)
ACTS234 A Nobler Congregation–1 (Acts 17:10-12)
ACTS235 A Nobler Congregation–2 (Acts 17:10-12)
ACTS236 The Centrality of the Word of God–1 (Acts 17:10-11)
ACTS237 The Centrality of the Word of God–2 (II Tim. 3:14-17)
ACTS238 Soft Wax, Hard Clay (Acts 17:12-15)
ACTS239 Paul’s Sermon on Mars Hill–1 (Acts 17:13-21)
ACTS240 Paul’s Sermon on Mars Hill–2 (Acts 17:16-21)
ACTS241 Paul’s Sermon on Mars Hill–3 (Acts 17:18-31)
ACTS242 The Unknown God Made Known–1 (Acts 17:22-25)
ACTS243 The Unknown God Made Known–2 (Acts 17:22-25, John 17:1-3)
ACTS244 The Unknown God Made Known–3 Giver of Life, Breath & All Things (Acts 17:25)
ACTS245 The Unknown God Made Known–4 Idolatry an Affront to God (Acts 17:24-31)
ACTS246a The Unknown God Made Known–5 The Forbearance of God (Acts 17:29-34)
ACTS246b The Unknown God Made Known–5 The Forbearance of God (Acts 17:29-34)
Note: This was one lesson, but due to an interruption was accidentally split into two files.
ACTS247 The Unknown God Made Known–6 A Recap of Paul’s Declaration (Acts 17:30-34)
ACTS248 The Unknown God Made Known–7 The Appointed Day of Judgment (Acts 17:30-34)
Note: At this point, Pastor Bob did not deal with the topic of repentance because we covered
that topic in The Gospel with an extensive treatment of repentance as outlined by A.W. Pink.
ACTS249 Historical, Geographical and Cultural Background of Corinth–1 (Acts 18:1-11, Jer. 9:23-24)
ACTS250 Historical, Geographical and Cultural Background of Corinth–2 (Jer. 9:23-24, I Cor. 1:18-31)
ACTS251 Corinth–First-Century Vanity Fair–1 (Acts 18:1-8, I Cor. 2:1-5)
ACTS252 Corinth–First-Century Vanity Fair–2 (Acts 18:1-8, II Cor. 11:21-30)
ACTS253 Establishing the Church of Corinth–1 (Acts 18:1-17, Matt. 28:16-20)
ACTS254 Establishing the Church of Corinth–2 (Acts 18:1-17, Mark 16:14-16)
ACTS255 A Sermon Ends in Judgment (Acts 18:1-6)
ACTS256 Biblical Believer’s Baptism–1 (Acts 18:7-8)
ACTS257 Biblical Believer’s Baptism–2 (Acts 18:7-11)
ACTS258 Biblical Believer’s Baptism–3 (Acts 18:7-11)
ACTS259 Do You Have the Right Stuff?–1 (Acts 18:7-17)
ACTS260 Do You have the Right Stuff?–2 (Acts 18:7-17)
ACTS261 Opposition to Evangelical Christianity–1 (Acts 18:9-17)
ACTS262 Opposition to Evangelical Christianity–2 (Ezekiel 2:1-10)
ACTS263 Paul’s Evangelistic Hope–1 (Acts 18:12-17)
ACTS264 Paul’s Evangelistic Hope–2 (Acts 18:12-17)
ACTS265 Paul’s Evangelistic Hope–3 (Acts 18:18-23)
ACTS266 A Look at the Corinthian Church (Acts 18:18-23, Matt. 24:42-51)
ACTS267 Paul Concludes His Second Journey–1 (Acts 18:18-23)
ACTS268 Paul Concludes His Second Journey–2 (Acts 18:18-23)