Holding forth the Word of Life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ
Philippians 2:16
Trinity Reformed Baptist Church
Topeka, Kansas 66614
Study Aids Resources
We will keep a list of class handouts and visual aids on this page.
You may print them out for your own use.
They are referenced by the sermon in which they were first used.
B01 Church History series: A packet of handouts included materials gleaned from books and from the Internet:
Local Churches of the Bible 70 AD
Relationship of Key Hasmoneans
Church History Glossary
House of Herod
The Twelve Disciples and Paul after the Death of Jesus
Function of the Ekklesia
The Spread of Christianity
Roman Empire at the Time of Hadrian 116 AD
The Roman Emperors
BB07 The Word Hand (pdf)
C01 Nine Marks of a Healthy Church * workbook This workbook is currently out of print. (However, the author has given us permission to scan and make copies of the workbook for our use.) Chapters 1-6 currently online.
D49 Esther Time Line
DAN06 What the Bible Teaches Concerning the
“Kingdom of God” and the “Kingdom of Heaven”
DAN40 The Eleventh Horn Identified (Dan. 7:7-8) whiteboard chart of Caesars
D65 Timeline for Esther for accompanying visual chart.
DEU101 Hebrew Calendar and Feast of Unleavened Bread chart
DEU153 Map of the “Promised Land”
EV19 The Gospel of Forgiveness in a Floor Plan (Col. 1:12-14, 19-21)
Sermon outline--Gospel of Forgiveness in a Floor Plan
Tabernacle Diagram
EV20 The Gospel of Sanctification (I Peter 1:13-16)
Sanctification chart used in this lesson
EV26 The Believer’s Assurance of His Faith–1 (I John 5:18-21)
lesson handouts: Assurance of Salvation (pdf) The Word Hand (pdf)
EV48 Three Days & Three Nights–Jesus, A True Prophet (Ex. 12:12-20)
Graphic: Three Days and Three Nights Illustrated
H12 Eschatology 101--Introduction
(Note a folder with the following charts was handed out as a general reference to be used throughout the lessons in this series.)
Chart: What the Bible Teaches Concerning the “Kingdom of God” and the “Kingdom of Heaven”
Chart: Chart of the Dispensations
Chart: Millenial Views
Chart: Seven Stages of Church History
Chart: The Seven Churches of Revelation 2--3 (KJV)
Chart: Historical Pre-Millenialism
Chart: Daniel’s 70 weeks
J01 Why We Use and Hold to the King James Version
Ancestry of English Versions
Lesson Overview--Terms and Definitions
Lexicon Sample
Minuscule Sample
Sample of Uncials with Redaction
Sinaiticus Sample
Try Answering These From Your NIV
NTG02 New Testament Canon Complete Before 70 AD chart
NV54 “Adam to Noah”–gospel in the names
NV54 “The Scarlet Thread” (print out of verses referenced on an Answers in Genesis poster)
PS01 Parable of the Sower--parallel KJV scripture for reference
PT007 Dispensations Chart 1
SOV25 Doctrines of Grace workbook by Pastor Randy Booth, used by permission
Entire scanned workbook in one .pdf file
Memory Verses in KJV (our own supplement)
SOV25 A Biblical Review of the Absolute Sovereignty of God, by Pastor Bob Spagnuolo
SOV29 Federal Headship Comparison Chart
STW08 Historical, Geographical & Political Backdrop
List of Roman Emperors
Timeline for the Book of Acts (from our whiteboard)
Map of the Roman Empire (photo of a chart)