Holding forth the Word of Life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ

Philippians 2:16

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Pastor’s Bible Study–3

Section 3   Lesson 8 Paul’s Prison Epistles (books of Philippians, Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon)

Code                    Title (Text)

Lesson 8-Phil-01  Paul’s Prison EpistlesPhilippians–1 (1:1-19) Paul’s Defense of the Gospel

Lesson 8-Phil-02  Philippians–2 (1:19-26) Paul Anticipates His Release

Lesson 8-Phil-03  Philippians–3 (1:24-30) Two-Sided Coin of the Christian Life

Lesson 8-Phil-04  Philippians–4 (2:1-11) Humility, the Key to Unity

Lesson 8-Phil-05  Philippians–5 (2:5-18) Of Christ’s Humility & A Pastor’s Heart

Lesson 8-Phil-06  Philippians–6 (2:19–3:3)  Beware of Dogs (Cross Ref:  ACTS295)

Lesson 8-Phil-07  Philippians–7 (3:1-3) Spiritual Circumcision

Lesson 8-Phil-08  Philippians–8 (3:1-15) Spiritual Circumcision Defined and Demonstrated

Lesson 8-Phil-09  Philippians–9 (3:14–4:1) Stand Fast in the Lord

Lesson 8-Phil-10  Philippians–10 (4:1-3) Women and the Gospel

Lesson 8-Phil-11  Philippians–11 (4:4-7) Paul’s Closing Comments–1

Lesson 8-Phil-12  Philippians–12 (4:8-23) Paul’s Closing Comments–2

Lesson 8-Phil-13  Philippians–13 Recap and book comments

Lesson 8-Eph-01  Ephesians (63 A.D.) Introductions

Lesson 8-Eph-02  Eph. 1:1-12 Riches of His Grace

Lesson 8-Eph-03  Eph. 1:11-17 Our Spiritual Heritage

Lesson 8-Eph-04  Eph. 1:16–2:1 Paul’s Apostolic Prayer for Us

Lesson 8-Eph-05  Eph. 2:1-7 The Need for Spiritual Resurrection

Lesson 8-Eph-06  Eph. 2:8-22 Christ Has Made Both One

Lesson 8-Eph-07  Eph. 3:1-14 The Mystery of Christ Revealed

Lesson 8-Eph-08  Eph. 3:14–4:11 Benefits Realized by the Mystery of Christ

Lesson 8-Eph-09  Eph. 4:11-14 Christian Maturity–Infancy to Manhood

Lesson 8-Eph-10  Eph. 4:15-20 Cosmic Battle for Men’s Minds

Lesson 8-Eph-11  Eph. 4:20-32 Cosmic Battle for Men’s Minds–2

Lesson 8-Eph-12  Eph. 5:1-5 How to Live in a Hostile Age–1

Lesson 8-Eph-13  Eph. 5:6-15 How to Live in a Hostile Age–2

Lesson 8-Eph-14  Eph. 5:14-20 How to Live in a Hostile Age–3

Lesson 8-Eph-15  Eph. 5:21–6:8 How to Live in a Hostile Age–4 (cross ref BEG-09)

Lesson 8-Eph-16  Eph. 6:9-24 Prayer for An Open Door of Utterance (cross ref NM044 to NM077)

Lesson 8-Col-01   Colossians (63 A.D.) Col. 1:1-14 Paul’s Introduction and Pray for the Saints

Lesson 8-Col-02   Col. 1:14-20 Paul’s High Christology

Lesson 8-Col-03   Col. 1:20-25 Warning Against Gnosticism

Lesson 8-Col-04   Col. 1:25–2:4 The Mystery of Christ

Lesson 8-Col-05   Col. 2:2-9 The Necessity of a Biblical Church

Lesson 8-Col-06   Col. 2:9-19 The Necessity of a Biblical Church–2

Lesson 8-Col-07   Col. 2:20–3:7 The Necessity of a Biblical Church–3

Lesson 8-Col-08   Col. 3:7-17 Internal Maintenance of the Church–1

Lesson 8-Col-09   Col. 3:17–4:3 Internal Maintenance of the Church–2

Lesson 8-Col-10   Col 4:1-18 Final Admonishments and Salutations

Lesson 8–Book Notes  On the remaining Prison Epistles (Philemon, Acts, Hebrews)

Lesson 8–QandA  Home Exercises

Section 1  Lessons 1-5 (Introductory materials; I Thessalonians)

Section 2   Lessons 6 The Literary Revelation Continues

(books of II Thessalonians, Galatians, I & II Corinthians, Romans)

Lesson 7 Paul’s Literary Interlude (Matthew, Mark, James, Luke)

Section 4   Lessons 9-10 The Post Prison Epistles (I Peter, Titus, I Timothy, II Peter, Jude, II Timothy)

Section 5   Lesson 11 The Works of John (Gospel of John, Epistles of John)

Section 6   Lesson 12-13 The Book of Revelation and The Testimony of History