In this series of sermons, we take a look at the various types of miracles that Jesus performed. They served more of a purpose than just to bring physical relief to the people who were affected by them. We will look at them in more detail and bring out the spiritual lessons that can be learned from them and how they are a picture of salvation and its rewards.
Code Sermon Title (Scripture Text)
MJ01 What is a Miracles? (Acts 10:34-43)
MJ02 Deceiving Signs and Wonders [1] (Matt. 24:1-5, 21-25)
MJ03 Deceiving Signs and Wonders [2] ((I Kings 13)
MJ04 Jesus Heals the Leper (Matt. 8:1-3)
MJ05 Jesus Raises the Dead (John 10:11-18)
MJ06 Jesus Casts Out Demons [1] (Matt. 4:23-25)
MJ07 Jesus Casts Out Demons [2] (Ezek. 28:11-19)
MJ08 Jesus Casts Out Demons [3] (Matt. 9:32-38)
MJ09 Jesus Casts Out Demons [4] (Luke 8:26-40)
MJ10 Jesus Casts Out Demons [5] (Mark 5:6-9, 15-20)
MJ11 Jesus Casts Out Demons [6] (Mark 5:15-20)
MJ12 Jesus Casts Out Demons [7] (Gen. 3:9-21)
MJ13 Jesus Heals the Blind [1] (John 9:39-41)
MJ14 Jesus Heals the Blind [2] (Matt. 11:1-6)
MJ15 Jesus Heals the Blind [3] (John 9:1-7)
MJ16 Jesus Heals the Blind [4] (John 9:1-5)
MJ17 Jesus Heals the Blind [5] (John 9:1-7)
MJ18 Jesus Heals the Blind [6] Divider of Men (John 9:6-16)
MJ19 Jesus Heals the Blind [7] (John 9:13-29)
MJ20 Jesus Heals the Blind [8] (John 9:24-29)
MJ21 Jesus Heals the Blind [9] (John 9:28-33)
MJ22 Jesus Heals the Blind [10] (John 9:33-37)
MJ23 Postscript to the Blind Man’s Conversion [1] (John 9:35-41)
MJ24 Postscript to the Blind Man’s Conversion [2] (John 9:35-41)
MJ25 Postscript to the Blind Man’s Conversion [3] (John 9:35-41)
MJ26 Applications (John 12:35-43)
MJ27 Jesus Heals the Deaf & Dumb Man (Mark 7:31-37)