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Holding forth the Word of Life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ

Philippians 2:16

Stewardship “The Fellowship of the Ministering to the Saints”

I was told by one pastor years ago that you can determine the state of a believer’s heart by how tightly or loosely he holds on to his wallet. This may be true; however, our stewardship includes more that just our monies. It scratches upon our very hearts!  How much of us does God own of our daily applications as his sons and daughters?  

The grace of giving involves our time, our talents, and our tithes.

Outward situations should not affect our stewardship unto others.  Despite our great trials and deep poverty, God desires that we give
first of ourselves to Him before we support the work of the Lord. Poverty is not an excuse to hinder our giving to the Lord's work. Giving is not a grace only for the rich or the middle class. Many in the early church were slaves, how much do you think they earned? Yet they gave.

I trust you will find this series on stewardship both informative and challenging.

–Pastor Bob Spagnuolo

Code      Title (and text)

STW01   Example of the Philippians (II Cor. 8:1-2)

STW02   Who Really Owns It All?  (Acts 11:27-30)

STW03   Some Applications (II Cor. 8:1-9)

STW04   Titus--A Faithful, Caring Steward (II Cor. 8:10-21)

STW05   The Myth and Error of Faith Promise (II Cor. 8:11-12)

STW06   Proof of Your Love (II Cor. 9:1-5)

STW07   Things to Remember (Heb. 10:19-25)

STW08   Historical, Geographical & Political Backdrop (II Cor. 9:1-4)

                See Study Aids Resources for charts used in this lesson

STW09   God Loves a Cheerful Giver (II Peter 1:10-15)

STW10   God’s Abounding Grace (II Cor. 9:6-8)

STW11   Our Professed Subjection to the Gospel (II Cor. 9:8-15)