Holding forth the Word of Life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ
Philippians 2:16
Trinity Reformed Baptist Church
Topeka, Kansas 66614
1 Samuel–public readings
These audio files are from our Sunday morning worship service–the public reading of Scripture.
The passage is read and a brief commentary is given.
Each file is therefore only about 10-12 minutes in length. These are NOT sermons.
Code Title (Text)
1Sam001 The Heart of a Wannabe Mother (I Samuel 1:1-18)
1Sam002 The Character of Hannah’s Husband (I Samuel 1:19-28)
1Sam003 Hannah’s Theology (I Samuel 2:1-17)
1Sam004 Eli’s Wicked Sons (I Samuel 2:18-26)
1Sam005 Consequences of Not Honoring God (I Samuel 2:27-36)
1Sam006 The Call of Samuel (I Samuel 3:1-10)
1Sam007 Eli’s Judgment (I Samuel 3:11-21)
1Sam008 Prophecy Fulfilled (I Samuel 4:1-11)
1Sam009 The Glory of God is Departed (I Samuel 4:12-22)
1Sam010 God Can Defend Himself (I Samuel 5:1-12)
1Sam011 The Ark is Returned (I Samuel 6:1-21)
1Sam012 Samuel–the Intercessor (I Samuel 7:1-14)
1Sam013 Israel Demands a King (I Samuel 7:13–8:9)
1Sam014 The Manner of the King (I Samuel 8:10-22)
1Sam015 Judge Not According to Appearance (I Samuel 9:1-14)
1Sam016 Samuel Receives God’s Word (I Samuel 9:15-25)
1Sam017 Saul’s Anointing (I Samuel 10:1-17)
1Sam018 Prophetic Picture of John 19 (I Samuel 10:17-27)
1Sam019 The Depths of Man’s Depravity Exposed (I Samuel 11:1-11)
1Sam020 Samuel’s Challenging Question (I Samuel 11:12–12:5)
1Sam021 Samuel Recaps Israel’s History (I Samuel 12:6-25)
1Sam022 A People Unprepared (I Samuel 13:1-23)
1Sam023 The Boldness of Jonathan (I Samuel 14:1-18)
1Sam024 Superstitious Stupidity (I Samuel 14:19-35)
1Sam025 The Folly of Doing Your Own Thing (I Samuel 14:36-46)
1Sam026 Samuel’s Words Are Finally Realized (I Samuel 14:47-52)
1Sam027 Actions Lead To Consequences (I Samuel 15:1-15)
1Sam028 The Kingdom Rent (I Samuel 15:16-35)
1Sam029 David’s First Anointing (I Samuel 16:1-13)
1Sam030 An Evil Spirit from God (I Samuel 16:14-23)
1Sam031 David and Goliath–1 (I Samuel 17:1-11)
1Sam032 David and Goliath–2 (I Samuel 17:12-31)
1Sam033 David and Goliath–3 (I Samuel 17:32-37)
1Sam034 David and Goliath–4 (I Samuel 17:38-54)
1Sam035 Friendship of David & Jonathan Begins (I Samuel 17:55–18-5)
1Sam036 King Saul’s Jealousy of Young David Begins (I Samuel 18:5-16)
1Sam037 Saul Plots David’s Demise (I Samuel 18:17-30)
1Sam038 David Hated Without a Cause (I Samuel 19:1-7)
1Sam039 Is Saul Among the Prophets (I Samuel 19:8-24)
1Sam040 David and Jonathan’s Covenant (I Sam. 20:1-23)
1Sam041 Saul’s Intentions Exposed (I Sam. 20:24-34)
1Sam042 The Bond Between David and Jonathan (I Sam. 20:35-42)
1Sam043 David Encounters Ahimelech (I Sam. 21:1-9)
1Sam044 David–A Picture of Christ (I Sam. 21:10–22:5)
1Sam045 The Massacre of Nob (I Sam. 22:6-19)
1Sam046 David the Fugitive (I Sam. 22:20–23:15)
1Sam047 Saul is Sidetracked (I Sam. 23:16-28)
1Sam048 David Spares King Saul (I Sam. 23:29–24:15)
1Sam049 David Still Distrusts King Saul (I Sam. 24:16–25:13)
1Sam050 Abigail Intercedes (I Sam. 25:14-31)
1Sam051 God Avenges David (I Sam. 25:32-44)
1Sam052 David Has Saul Again (I Sam. 26:1-14)
1Sam053 David and Saul Part Ways (I Sam. 26:15-25)
1Sam054 David Dwells with the Enemy (I Sam. 27:1-12)
1Sam055 Saul and the Witch of Endor–1 (I Sam. 28:1-20)
1Sam056 Saul and the Witch of Endor–2 (I Sam. 28:21-25)
1Sam057 David Sent Home by Achish (I Sam. 29:1-11)
1Sam058 How to Overcome (I Sam. 30:1-10)
1Sam059 David’s Spoil (I Sam. 30:11-20)
1Sam060 Distribution of the Spoils (I Sam. 30:21-31)
1Sam061 Death of King Saul (I Sam. 31:1-13)