Holding forth the Word of Life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ

Philippians 2:16

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Church History–section 3

Section 3:  The Struggle of the Old “Catholic” Imperial Church

A.D. 100-325

Code  Sermon Titles

CH060   Introduction to the Period (Acts 7:1-12)

CH061   The Faith Permeates the Empire--1 (I Peter 4:12-16)

CH062   The Faith Permeates the Empire--2 (Acts 17:1-8)

CH063   The Rise of Corrupt Leadership (II Cor. 11:22-28)

CH064   The Acceptance, Recognition & Establishment of New Testament Canon--1 (II Pet. 3:14-16)

CH065   The Acceptance, Recognition & Establishment of New Testament Canon--2 (Jn. 14:25-26; John 16:12-14)

CH066   Imperial Rome and Its Impact on the Early Church--1 (Psalm 2:1-6, Acts 4:23-31)

CH067   Imperial Rome and Its Impact on the Early Church--2 ((I Peter 3:13-17)

CH068   Imperial Rome and Its Impact on the Early Church--3 (Revelation 13:1-8)

CH069   The Age of the Great Illuminaries--1 (Psalm 78:5-8, II Tim. 2:1-7)

CH070   The Age of the Great Illuminaries--2 (Dan. 12:3)

CH071   Ignatius--Third Bishop of Antioch of Syria--1 (Acts 11:19-26)

CH072   Ignatius--Third Bishop of Antioch of Syria--2 (John 20:24-31)

CH073   Tertullian of Carthage--1 (I Tim. 3:16; I Cor. 15:3-4)

CH074   Tertullian of Carthage--2 (Eph. 4:1-6)

CH075   An Unholy Marriage (Matt. 28:9-15)

CH076   Athanasius Versus Arius (John 8:47-59)

Church History Main page

Section 4:  The Rise of Ecclesiastical Abuse–A.D. 325–500