Holding forth the Word of Life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ

Philippians 2:16

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Acts–Section D:  Unto Samaria

Chapter 8–The Scattered Flock

Code   Sermon Title (Scripture Text)

ACTS117   Saul of Tarsus–a Chosen Instrument (Acts 7:57–8:1)

ACTS118   A Scattered Flock (Acts 8:1-4)

ACTS119   Philip–the Evangelist (Acts 8:5-13)

ACTS120   Samaria–the Next Important Transition (Acts 8:5-8, 14-17)

ACTS121   Simon the Sorcerer–1 (Acts 8:12-13, 18-24)

ACTS122   Simon the Sorcerer–2 (Acts 8:12-13, 18-24)

ACTS123   Simon the Sorcerer–3 (Acts 8:18-24; John 2:13-25)

ACTS124   Teach My Disciples to Obey (Acts 8:25)

ACTS125   Philip–A Willing Servant–Are You? (Acts 8:26-40)

ACTS126   Preaching Christ from the Old Testament–1 (Acts 8:26-35)

ACTS127   Preaching Christ from the Old Testament–2 (Acts 30-31)

ACTS128   Preaching Christ from the Old Testament–3 (Acts 8:35; 13:26-30; 17:1-3)

ACTS129   The Confession of the Heart and Mouth–1 (Acts 8:35-39)

ACTS130   The Confession of the Heart and Mouth–2 (Acts 8:35-39)

ACTS131   A Postscript to Acts 8:37 (Matt. 10:32-33, John 8:23-24)

ACTS132   The Joy of the Lord (Acts 8:39-40)

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